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How to prevent injuries ?

How to prevent injuries ?



How can you prevent/avoid acute and overuse injuries?



These techniques are meant to use whether you have an injury or not. It's for protective measures.


Many sports injuries result from overuse, lack of proper rest, lack of proper warm-ups, or poor conditioning.

1.    Warm Up thoroughly before play:

This should be the warm-up before the game if you want to prevent injuries.



  1. Cooldown when you're done playing

The above chart is also what you'll be doing in the cool down, but you skip all the movements.

2.    Wear the right tennis shoes with skid-resistant soles

Clay Court Shows Vs Hard Court Shoes : What's The Difference ? | Tennis  Express


3.    Use good technique and play by the rules

  1. Have a coach or trainer help you understand the physical demands of the sport
  2. Clean off the courts before play and check for slippery spots or debris

Make sure the court is as clean as the one below

 Detecting tennis court lines intercepts - Stack Overflow6.    Have a first aid kit on handOpen First Aid Kit Clipart 

 7.    Get adequate recovery

Get a regular 8 to 10-hour sleep, drink a lot of water, don't miss your meals, eat healthily, and if it's possible to take ice baths

  1. Stay hydrated

Make sure you keep 3 litres of water and a hydration drink other than water, like Fast Charge, Red bull, etc. Also, make sure you get something to eat like bananas or gel bars

Treating sore knees, shoulders, wrists and elbows:


If you're experiencing joint pain in your knees, shoulders, wrists, ankles, or elbows, there are some at-home remedies you can try, including:

  1. Rest
  2. Ice or cold compress for swelling, especially for the first 48 hours

3.    Compression with an elastic bandage

4.    Elevation, if it's your knee or ankle, any time you're sitting down

5. Strengthening exercises

If your pain is severe, lasts a long time, and/or it's interfering with your daily activities, be sure to call your doctor.

R.I.C.E. Treatment for Acute Musculoskeletal Injury


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